Thursday, October 11, 2012

Basics and Fundamentals in .NET

Some Concepts you must know in Web

Cookie-less sessions
  • Some users disable cookies in their browser. If SessionID is stored in cookies, it will not work.
  • Cookie-less sessions embed the SessionID in the URL instead. (not the session values itself J )
  • In some cases and countries, it's even illegal for an application to require cookies to work!
  •  is very easy to set in web.config
<sessionState cookieless="true" />

Sliding expiration
  • Cache will expire after a given time (for eg: 20 minutes) if no request is made within that 20 minutes
  • If a request is made within the expiration time (20 minutes) it will reset  the expiry time for another 20 minutes 

string sDescription = "This product is very useful for blah blah....";
//Sliding Expiration
Cache.Insert("SlidingExpiration", sDescription, null,
System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

Work in Progress...

CSS Sprites



Some concepts you must know in Garbage Collection
Finalize and Dispose
Generations in Garbage Collection
Finalization Queue

Some concepts you must know in Framework/C#
Static Constructors
Anonymous methods
Anonymous types
Extension methods
Lamda Expressions

Patterns and Principles
Inversion of Control
Factory vs Abstract Factory

Having and Where clause
Common Table Expressions
Covering Index
Isolation Levels
candidate key, alternate key
SP Best practices

Thursday, September 13, 2012

SOLID Principles - A Quick Introduction


Hope this was beneficial to you! If you liked this, please share it with your friends

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hybrid Cloud - What is it? Simple diagrams of Hybrid Cloud

I made some simple diagrams to explain Hybrid cloud as below.

1. We all know Public Cloud (hosted somewhere by some provider)

2. Private Cloud = Your own cloud solution within the enterprise. Safe and secure and self managed

3. Hybrid = A mix of Public and Private cloud. Sensitive application in your private cloud, bigger applications can go to Public cloud. Benefits of both Security and Scaling

Hope this simple diagrams help in understanding the basics of Hybrid cloud. 

It is a buzz word in the market now but it is a very simple concept to understand. 

Fig 1.1 - Public Cloud

Fig 1.2 - Private Cloud
Fig 1.3 - Hybrid Cloud

Simple! Isn't it?